Colby Eagles Alumni Association
Charles LeRoy Wheaton, 1925, Killed in WWII
Nominated by Betty Wheaton Cox
Lt. Col Charles LeRoy Wheaton was killed in a plane crash in Casablanca in Feb. 1945, while in the service of his country during World War 11.
Although he was born in Brookville, KS., May 6, 1907, the George Wheaton family soon moved to Colby. All five of their children attended Colby schools. My father, Arno Wheaton, dropped out of high school to help earn money so LeRoy could finish school. I believe he graduated but can confirm this with a phone call or two.
When Uncle LeRoy was killed, I was 15. He left a wife, a son Charles LeRoy Wheaton Jr. and a daughter, Nancy. I did not see the son again until our school reunion in 2000. He was pleased that his Dad's name was on the Memorial at the Courthouse. He was quite amazed that I still had his dad's letters to my dad!
He and his wife now live in California. They plan to come to the next reunion.
Copyright Colby Eagles Alumni Association @ 2014