Colby Eagles Alumni Association
Bill Frerichs, 1970, Civilian Engineer for the Army
Nominated by his wife, Linda L Frerichs
Bill was born March 9, 1952 and died March 22, 2005 . He received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree from Kansas State University and began his Army civilian career in 1975 as an AMC Intern with the U.S. Army Management Engineering Training Agency progressing to the position of Associate Director for Logistics Engineering with the U. S. army Defense Ammunition center in McAlester, OK during his 29 year career earning the commander’s award for civilian Service, Operation Desert Storm medal for civilian Service, CENTCOM 22d Support Command Certificate of Achievement. He was a member of the Church of the Open Door, having served, as usher, greeter, Care Ministry Leader, Servant’s council, was a part of the Men’s Bible Study, 2X2 Couple’s Ministry and Fulton Small Group. He had also served as Co-leader of the Church’s Divorce Recovery Group and had serve as Scout Master of the Savanna, IL Boy Scout Troop.
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