Colby Eagles Alumni Association
Copyright Colby Eagles Alumni Association @ 2014
Nominated by Mike Skiles, Class of 1971
Since graduation, Randy Smith has become a key focal point for the Colby community and a central figure in the Pharmacy business. As such, nearly everyone in the community knows and trusts his pharmaceutical work and service quality; and as a local Colby-owned business has become an intersectional hub for people to stay in contact within the community. After receiving his advanced degree in Pharmacy at the University of Kansas, Randy demonstrated great courage in taking a career and financial risk by purchasing the Pharmacy businesses located in Colby's downtown area (drug stores), and then combining them for efficienty into the new Palace Drug Store. With his spouse (Linda Farmer Smith, Class of 1972), they have tirelessly provided a variety of drug prescription services to the community since, and have been an essential part of helping to keep Colby's downtown business center active, vibrant, and relevant for the benefit of the entire community. His cheerful and friendly manner of greeting every customer, in understanding their needs and challenges, and assuring they get the exact pharmaceutical to meet their needs is both noticeable and respected. He and Linda have
been active across the larger community for over 40 years, and as they
approach their own retirement from the Pharmacy business, have
worked tirelessly to assure a seamless transition of the downtown
Pharmacy into younger, capable ownership - thus enabling this
important cog of Colby's business community to successfully continue
providing the needed local services to the public. Randy is deserving of
this recognition for his tireless service to the Colby community and his
steady, friendly, and quiet contributions to this city over the last 40